Your business needs results fast.  The sooner we start, the faster we can drive results.  

What kinds of businesses will this work for?

While the strategies and tactics included in 90 Day Marketing can benefit any business, they are especially targeted for local, direct-to-consumer service-based businesses, such as restaurants, salons, spas, chiropractors, residential remodeling contractors, house cleaners, etc. And luxury product businesses such as gourmet food items, flower shops, home decor stores, etc.

Does it take 90 days for these tactics to work?

Not at all. The time to see results will vary by effort, industry, competition in your area, etc.  Many tactics begin driving results immediately and fast results are the goal!

What if I'm already doing the things that are included in the plan?

Great!  Then you have a head start! And there are many tactics included in this plan to exand on your current or past efforts.  Plus, you’ll have access to our marketing experts to help customize the tactics for your business. 

Why do I have to commit to 90 Days?

The 90 Day Marketing program has been developed to laser target, execute and measure your marketing efforts over a 90 Day period. This allows for period adjustments to ensure continued success. 

Will I be done after 90 Days?

The efforts you put in place during a 90 day period will continue to drive success into the future, even if you discontinue those efforts.  HOWEVER, eventually you’re competitors will pass you by and your results will be impacted. 90 Day Marketing was developed to provide marketing direction on an ongoing basis.  But of course, we won’t force you into any long-term contracts. After the first 90 Day period, your plan continues on a month-to-month basis and you may cancel at anytime. 

Based in Phoenix, we serve customers across the U.S.A.
